Advisory Board Members
Anshul Garg
Anshul Garg is associated as a Head of Transnational Education Partnerships and Senior Lecturer with the School of Hospitality, Tourism and Events at Taylor’s University, Malaysia. He is a food and beverage expert, a well-recognized hospitality trainer in the region and a seasoned researcher. His research interests include self-service technologies in the hospitality and restaurant industry, service quality, service clues, hospitality service human resource management, and food waste management. To date, he has published his research in the form of journal articles, book chapters and books in various SSCI, SCOPUS and Web of Science-indexed journals and highly recognised publishers (Emerald, CABI, IGI-Global). He also served as a plenary and keynote speaker at various international conferences, an active editorial board member of various journals and an international advisory board member for numerous international conferences.